Use one-on-one interviews, surveys with few questions, and focus groups at this point to achieve a better result. Once you process this information, compare it with the information you obtained from your team and highlight the differences to present when sharing the results of your research. The approach and tools of the lean startup methodology are especially useful for carrying out this process.
4. Share your research results in a format that is easy to share
Systematize your research results in a format that is easy to read . If you prepare a 100-page report full of letters and few graphics, chances are that no one will understand the idea. Instead, summarize in 1 page or a few slides what you have found out: Who is your ideal audience?
If you have one or more types of ideal clients, what are their real needs, what consumer mobile number database industries are they from, what are their differentiating factors, what should your value proposition contain to be attractive to them and, finally, what is your value proposition for each one. Share this information digitally and in print with your entire company and make sure that everyone's vision of the client is unified. This way, you will get the entire company working to reach the same person.
I know this sounds easier than it is. The truth is that defining your ideal client or buyer persona will take work, but once you do it, you will reap great rewards and you definitely won't regret it. Remember that the reason for marketing and companies themselves are their clients, so don't let any more time pass without validating your company's vision of its ideal client.
Target audience template
Topics: Buyer Personas