Every year on this date, World Telecommunications and Information Society Day is celebrated, an initiative that was born from the Internet Users Association, whose objective is to raise awareness about the use of new technologies and the importance of proper use of the Internet.
One of the main objectives of EuroCloud Spain is the promotion of technological relations between its members, both nationally and internationally. For this reason, this day has special importance for the association.
Celebrated since 2005, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day increasingly echoes the rise of services provided on the Internet today. Technological advances and communication trends mean that no company can ignore the importance of this sector, which is directly or indirectly related to its own business.
Information and Communication home owner data Technologies (ICT) have revolutionised society. They have changed the way companies interact with each other, with their suppliers and with their customers, opening up spaces for electronic commerce, developing new skills, improving communication and expanding, among other things, new forms of remote work.
According to Pedro Prestel, President of EuroCloud Spain: « Cloud technology is opening up many avenues and new ways of working and relating. We are increasingly talking about trends such as Big Data or Brokerage, and the difference between telecommunications and IT is becoming increasingly blurred. »
Companies are now joining forces to contribute to the continued development of these new technologies. EuroCloud Spain demonstrates its contribution to information technology, providing the service of companies that offer their users Cloud technologies and their advantages over traditional systems. As well as companies that make Big Data systems or brokerage available to all sectors, thus allowing them access to optimal management of their business.
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About EuroCloud Spain
It is the Spanish representation of EuroCloud, present in 27 European countries such as: Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. EuroCloud's main objectives are to foster relations with European institutions, promote commercial and technological relations, participate in the creation of regulations, as well as the creation of national service platforms.