How Coronavirus affects different sectors in the online world

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How Coronavirus affects different sectors in the online world

Post by chandon4 »

The COVID-19 crisis is inevitably changing the consumption patterns of entire countries whose sectors, some of them untouched by certain technological changes, are increasingly uncertain. Among so many economic predictions, only one thing can be taken for granted: global e-commerce will take an important step forward in 2020 .

Our purchasing interests are different
It is common that, when faced with a new paradigm, social habits bulk sms germany evolve towards other types of needs. Measures such as the suspension of school activities, teleworking and quarantines, both forced and voluntary, mean that citizens spend more time at home and, consequently, their interests adapt to these new circumstances.

You only have to look at the search insights compiled by Think with Google to understand this new sociocultural path. The data reflects how these new interests are oriented towards three clear axes: immediate needs, the new day-to-day and emerging behaviours, with search trends ranging from help for the self-employed to home-delivered restaurants or distance education.

Due to these behaviors, many sectors have seen their activity gradually come to a standstill, while others, on the other hand, have seen a great increase in sales. A good example of this is the massive stockpiling of food and basic products that occurred in supermarkets in the first few days, which is explained by the sociological consumption attached to any crisis of similar magnitude to that of COVID-19. An exceptional case and not very representative of the development of the rest of the sectors unrelated to online sales, as we will see below.


Communication and digital training
In the midst of an alert of this nature, information is power. Knowing the progress of the infection in real time helps to make better decisions, both collectively and individually. Citizens demand constant updates and, if possible, in real time .

This poses a challenge for data processing. Online media and big data specialists are trying to shed light on the avalanche of information unleashed by the coronavirus by creating interactive graphics and dynamic dashboards , such as this one from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in the United States, which shows the numbers of infected, dead and cured people almost hour by hour.
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