Court of Violence against Women

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Court of Violence against Women

Post by Joyzfsdsro343 »

Gender violence is the most brutal symbol of inequality that exists in our society. Article 15 CE regulates the right to life and physical and moral integrity . Thus, the public authorities, art. 9.2 CE , have the duty to adopt positive action measures to make the right to freedom, equality, life, security and non-discrimination real and effective, removing the obstacles that prevent or hinder their fullness.

Thus, Organic Law 1/2004 on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence provides a global response to the violence that is exercised against women. It is a law that we can consider as an institutional mechanism developed by the State to achieve equality between women and men by frontally attacking gender violence.

Gender violence, as referred to in the law, includes all acts of physical and psychological violence , including sexual assault, threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. We often forget that gender violence is also psychological, in fact it hurts as much or more than physical violence and takes much longer to heal, which is why the role of the psychologist is essential in these procedures. Sonia Rodríguez, a psychologist and expert in gender violence, at Psicolegalmente , gives many guidelines in this regard and helps victims deal with the emotional situation and avoid or reduce the consequences that may arise.

As she explains in her article , psychological abuse can lead to numerous side effects , in the form of injuries or psychological after-effects. It can especially damage self-esteem, with worse consequences and an even more debilitating nature than physical abuse.

We explain the process for gender violence crimes and the different mechanisms available to victims after the approval of the law against Gender Violence, which not only focuses on physical injuries but also covers psychological ones.

Organic Law 1/2004 on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender Violence dentist database creates a new jurisdictional body: the Court of Violence against Women . This is a court specialising in cases of gender violence that assumes jurisdiction over both criminal and civil matters; it is a mixed body.

The criminal and civil powers that may arise in a criminal case for gender violence are combined in a single jurisdictional body , since the victim may want to initiate a civil process such as a divorce procedure, child custody, etc.

Regarding territorial jurisdiction, it is determined by the domicile of the victim, without prejudice to the adoption of the protection order or urgent measures in the place where the events occurred. Regarding functional jurisdiction, it is attributed to the Provincial Court in matters of appeals against criminal decisions issued by the Judge of Violence against Women.


Protection order
Law 27/2003, of July 31 , regulating the Order of Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence, develops the Order of Protection for Victims of Domestic Violence.

This legal instrument seeks to provide an immediate and joint response to victims of family, domestic and gender violence in the criminal and civil spheres. It is protective, precautionary and provisional in nature . There are various precautionary and provisional measures that already existed in our legal system, but it includes an assistance and social protection aspect. Its main objective is the protection of the victim.
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