Since January 1 of this year, the requirements for obtaining a VAT refund on uncollectible invoices have been modified. This modification concerns the deadlines for making the modification of the tax base, which have been made more flexible so that a greater number of SMEs can exercise their right.
As was the case until now, the taxable base of the tax can be reduced, that is, a corrective invoice can be issued , when the invoice is considered totally or partially uncollectible. This occurs when the following conditions are met:
1st. That one year has passed since the accrual of the tax charged without obtaining collection of all or part of the credit derived from it. That is, that one year has passed since the date of issue of the invoice, and it remains unpaid . This period becomes six months when the issuer is an SME (businessman or professional whose volume of operations in the immediately preceding calendar year has not exceeded 6,010,121.04 euros).
From January 1, SMEs denmark whatsapp mobile phone number list will be able to modify the tax base after 6 months or they will be able to wait for the general period of 1 year required for the rest of businesses. If the payment is made in installments, the year or 6 months will start counting from the expiration of the unpaid period or periods, not from the date of issue of the invoice.
In this case, the payment of each unpaid installment may be claimed once the indicated period of time has elapsed and corrective invoices equivalent to these amounts may be issued. If just one of the installments is missed, the credit is already considered uncollectible.
Transactions with deferred payment are considered to be those that are paid in successive payments or in a single payment, provided that the period between the invoice date and the due date of the last or only payment is greater than one year or, in the case of SMEs, six months.