ETF (562500) and explore its timing opportunities at the appropriate point.
Observing various conceptual themes in the current market, you will find that despite differences in industrial logic, the market for humanoid robots is very similar to that of new energy vehicles in 2020. What the markets have in common is that the market potential is huge and there are many catalysts.
According to the High-tech Robot Industry Research Institute, the global humanoid robot market size is expected to exceed US$2 billion in 2026. By 2030, the global market size is expected to exceed 20 billion, with a compound growth rate of 77.83%. At the same time, China’s humanoid robot market size will reach 50 billion US dollars in 2030. billion US dollars.
Moreover, this is a track that requires technological upgrades usa whatsapp number data to open up market space over a long period of time. As humanoid robot products continue to become more intelligent, the long-term market space will become broader.
When market sentiment begins to turn more positive and risk appetite declines, choosing a track with a higher winning rate is the most certain operation. (Full text ends)
In recent years, the Internet medical industry has shown a booming development trend, with the market scale continuing to expand, the number of users continuing to grow, and the online penetration rate also increasing steadily. Behind this, it may indicate that there is broader space for business expansion and value growth of related Internet medical companies .
Take Ping An Health as an example. As a leading Internet medical company, Ping An Health has shown positive changes that cannot be ignored. The ecological upgrade has shown strong development vitality, and it will achieve half-year profits for the first time in the first half of 2024, or a A very representative observation case.
The Internet medical ecosystem is renewed and advanced
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- Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:15 am