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Networking events in the digital ecosystem of the 21st century: an opportunity to continue moving forward

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:35 am
by Aklima@4
Companies that create, adopt and are in constant contact with new technologies, in addition to better anticipating changes and taking better advantage of market opportunities, must also be committed to advancing in the construction of the best solutions for the day-to-day problems of business.

Sage Partners Sessions will be one of those opportunities to evolve, being the meeting point for more than 400 professionals who will seek to align strategy and priorities
Networking events that represent a great opportunity to generate fruitful interaction between the main agents involved in the design and implementation of digital solutions.

Under the motto “Now is the time” , next Thursday, November 19th, we will have the opportunity to celebrate the Sage Partners Sessions in Barcelona . More than 400 professionals from the sector will meet at this event to continue advancing in the construction and use of the best solutions.

At Sage Partner Sessions we will hold specific sessions on marketing, sales generation, e-commerce , digital transformation and many more interesting aspects. We will have debates, presentations, networking spaces and demos of the company's new business management solutions.

The importance of interaction
Obviously, the first objective is to come together . Those life insurance email list of us who contribute with our daily activity to the development of digital solutions know perfectly well that we are embarked on a joint project , that of promoting and achieving the digitalization of 100% of our business fabric. In addition, we have the obligation to contribute to the improvement of the different indicators on the state of digitalization that place Spain in an intermediate position with respect to the main economies of the world (Spain occupies the 14th position of the 28 EU Member States in the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) of 2017).

In this sense, the role of our partners is essential in the common objective of permanently orienting ourselves to the needs of companies, to ensure that the adoption of digital tools and solutions is a success. Each one contributes their vision and perspective based on their professionalism and contact with their own clients: from value-added distributors and cloud service providers to those who maintain a strategic alliance or corporate collaboration with Sage, as well as integrators, software developers, consultancies and professional offices.


We are all actors in a common project that is extremely important for the country's economy and competitiveness. According to a study by Accenture, accelerating the process of digitalisation of companies could increase GDP by 48.5 billion dollars, 3.6% more than the GDP forecast for 2021. This same study reveals that Spain is in 17th place in the EU in GDP investment in R&D&I. Again, we are in an intermediate position. We do things, yes. But more needs to be done and there needs to be a more forceful commitment from the different administrations in the search for and application of formulas and policies to support digitalisation.