Frequency: According to, the average Facebook post length is only 3.2 hours. Posting frequently will ensure that more people are seeing your message. It should be noted that you should not overdo the quantity of your posts either. Constant posting can make you seem too eager and people will stop reading you.
Quality content: Don't sacrifice quality just to increase your frequency. People are looking for useful and relevant information, so stop spamming. Everything you publish should be part of your overall strategy and have a clear objective. No part of your content can be published at random.
The ideal time: Study Facebook analytics to find out the time when your posts had the country wise email marketing list most interaction and the highest CTR. This will vary depending on the industry you work in, but the data you obtain will allow you to optimize your time and get the most out of your content.
Images: People often overlook posts from a corporate page that appear in their feed. Use images or content that is engaging and impactful to make it stand out from the rest. Infographics and photos with a bit of branding often yield great results.
By following these tips, you can lay the foundations for a Facebook strategy that will allow you to increase your reach and get new business prospects. Keep in mind that digital communication is a changing thing and you will most likely have to adjust your strategies more than once. If you want to know more about how to take advantage of the power of Facebook to increase your sales, download our free ebook: