Vodafone presents the first metaverse developed in Spain

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Vodafone presents the first metaverse developed in Spain

Post by asimd17 »

Vodafone presented this Friday 'Vodafone 5G Reality', an open virtual reality platform that it announces as “the first metaverse developed in Spain”.

This platform will integrate a catalogue of interactive spaces with immersive experiences where you can enjoy concerts, trips, attractions or learning with your family, using virtual reality glasses and also with your mobile phone.

The user will participate in facebook data these experiences with an avatar that they can interact with friends and family.
The British operator has been working on this project for a year in collaboration with the companies Optiva Media and Virtual Voyagers, and plans to launch it for sale in the first half of 2022, as explained in a press conference by the Marketing Director of 5G, Marta de Pablos.

The idea is to open 'Vodafone 5G Reality' to the general public, although the 'teleco' customers will have special prices and access.

Vodafone intends to monetise this business with the usual formulas of payment for a specific experience or by subscription, which have yet to be specified.


The operator is not worried that giants like Facebook have already announced their own metaverse. Marta de Pablos explains that they wanted to launch their own platform with an open standard that national and foreign developers can now join, and then the future will tell whether the different metaverses that emerge converge or not into a single large network, as happened with the Internet. “We may not have the financial muscle of giants like Facebook, but we have expertise and scalability,” explained the Vodafone executive. “In addition, we conceive this service as another lever of differentiation compared to the “low cost”.”

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5G Laboratory
The presentation of Vodafone's metaverse was also accompanied by another announcement: the birth of the 'Vodafone 5G Lab', a space that will be located at the operator's headquarters in Spain and that the company wants to use to give commercial outlet to 5G projects that come to it from all types of companies, from startups to large corporations, and also from Administrations.
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