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Webinar: learn about this visual content and how to create it in your marketing strategy

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:11 am
by Abdur9
Webinar is a visual content used in Marketing strategies to provide information on a topic through a live broadcast on the Internet.

You already know the importance of Content Marketing, but you don't understand how to build an effective Webinar strategy and how they will bring results to your company?

If you are familiar with Digital Marketing , you have probably heard about the famous Webinars. Or translating to Spanish: Webinarios .

This shows how the Content Marketing strategy has jamaica email list 329174 contact leads become popular. And along with it, many companies are betting on an easy and convenient way to disseminate content more effectively.

The best thing is that you don't have to leave your office or even your home: Webinars are here to complement the "formula for success."

Despite this, most people still do not master all the concepts and do not know how to start putting this strategy into practice.

That's why we've written this article, so you can clear up some basic doubts about this strategy.

Shall we begin?

We know that with today's technology, the way of doing Marketing has changed a bit.


In this way, Digital Marketing is the act of selling, promoting, disseminating or sharing a product through the Web.

And that concept brings us to the focus of this article which is:

What is a Webinar?
First of all, you need to know what a Webinar is so that, with the meaning of the word, you can apply the concept in your Digital Marketing and Content Marketing strategy.

Webinar comes from the fusion of two English words: Web + Seminar = Webinar. Yeah, yeah...but it might not make sense to you yet, right?

Well, I'll translate it into Spanish: Web + Seminar = Webinar. Now better? Webinar or Webinar is the same as Seminars, Conferences, Courses or whatever on the Web, more precisely through uploaded, recorded or live videos.