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Here's what you need to know about the delay in iOS 14 ad tracking changes

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:45 am
by Mitu6666
On September 3, Apple announced an extension period for the implementation of its new privacy guidelines for iOS 14 and published more precise details about these privacy guidelines , as well as a new beta version of iOS 14.

For marketers, the biggest issue is that the new IDFA-related privacy guidelines won’t be enforced until early next year. Technically, this means that while the AppTrackingTransparency framework is still included in iOS 14, its functionality has been modified during this transition period.

In this blog, we'll ireland business fax list explore what this means for marketers and what you can do to stay ahead of the curve.

Access to IDFA
The central point of the announcement is based on the AppTracking Transparency framework (ATT) and the IDFA. With iOS 14 beta 7, a user's IDFA will remain available by default and will only become unavailable when the user opts out of tracking. This arrangement will remain in place until early next year, according to Apple, when it has fully implemented its privacy changes.


At this point, there are two ways for users to opt out, either through the ATT pop-up in the app or through the settings menu.