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Reasons why it is worth working within a schedule

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:57 am
by Aklima@42
Establishing a standard working day in a company is not always easy. There are many types of companies, each with different needs and, within them, jobs with requirements for presence and availability that can be very different, so setting a single working time is very complicated in practice. For example, it seems logical to think that a graphic designer does not have to have the same punctuality requirements to come to work as the person who opens a shop every day first thing in the morning, so their schedules could be perfectly different.

Each case is unique, from the self-employed to the large company, including small and medium-sized companies, but in general some common difficulties can be observed when working within a working schedule . In addition, in the current era, some companies are reducing staff, which is leading to a trend towards lengthening working hours as a rule, leaving aside other aspects of people's lives that are of vital importance, both for them and for the companies that hire them.

Everyone needs motivation to be able to perform their duties successfully in a job. Motivation can be achieved in many ways, such as personal motivation and remuneration, among others. It is also achieved by offering workers a rational working day, which allows them to integrate their work life with their personal life: family, friends, training, sport, hobbies, etc. It is about offering the worker a system in which "there is life after work."

If motivation is generated in the worker, responsibility is canadian colleges universities email list also generated at the same time . In any position, work peaks can arise, giving rise to the need to stretch the work day a little more, extra time that can be compensated in many ways, not necessarily monetary, and that a motivated worker will cover without complaint, due to the responsibility of the good performance of his tasks.

Family integration
Implementing a formal work schedule in practice helps people to organize their daily routine correctly and know what they can and cannot do outside the workplace. In this way, it promotes the integration of work with family life, an issue that is still pending because in many companies the schedule is not respected, especially when it comes to setting the time of departure.


For example, if the departure time is compatible with the delivery or collection of children at the bus stop and is met, a worker can personally do the pick-up and will not depend on a third person for these family tasks. Or, on the contrary, knowing that your schedule is not compatible will allow you to hire a person to do this work in your place.