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Content Last Published - Updates any time the landing page is successfully published.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 am
by akiyaaa
6. Orient Users to Landing Page Actions & Statuses
With the new Landing Page Builder, there are a number of new fields and actions users can take. It’s important to orient users to how some of these new fields function so they can understand the status of the landing page and the impacts of publishing on publication details.

Actions & Statuses
Salesforce slide: new landing page statuses

Image credit: Salesforce

Salesforce slide: new landing page actions

Image credit: Salesforce

New (action) / Draft (status) - creates a landing page record aligned to a specific connected campaign. The record requires a name and campaign association.
The hide search engine indexing’ and vanity url’ options are optional.
Once created the landing page is in “draft” status.
Draft (status) - When a landing page record is created in Salesforce with the new experience, it starts in Draft status. At this time, there is no corresponding landing page record in Pardot.
Edit in Builder (action) - opens the landing page in the drag-and-drop Lightning Builder to create a responsive landing page.
Clone (action) - creates a copy of an existing landing page and the details to create a new landing page.
Cloned records have their own separate publication details and engagement metrics.
Note: it’s possible to clone a landing page record’s name, however, users will be prevented from publishing landing pages without unique names into the same Pardot Business Unit. We recommend updating the name of the landing page during the cloning process.
Publish (action) / Published (status) - The first time the landing page record is Published in Salesforce, a “public link” is created, a new landing page record is created in Pardot, and any updates from the builder are applied to the content preview.
The record will be placed in the Uncategorized\Landing Pages folder in Pardot.
“Last published” & “Content last Published by” will update to the user who took this action and the timestamp
Unpublish (action) - Draft (status) - When a record is unpublished in Salesforce it becomes a “draft”. The public link is cleared and redirected to the website in Pardot Settings. The corresponding landing page record in Pardot is moved to the Pardot recycle bin.
Users can not see or remove this record from the Pardot recycle bin.
Publish (action) on a page reverted to draft - When a previously published record is published again after being set back to “draft” status, the record will be removed from the Pardot recycle bin.
The “public link” for this landing page will reappear and remains the same.
“Last published” & “Content last Published by” will update to the user who took this action and the timestamp.
The engagement metrics remain on this record.
Published (Changes Pending) - (status) - are published pages in which changes occurred in the builder or editable publication details (hide from search engine indexing or the vanity url). This status notifies the user that the page has been updated but that the changes have not been applied.
To clear this status, select the “Publish” action button to sync changes to the public link.
We recommend creating a flow to notify users or a list view to monitor pages without applied changes.
Publication Details
Content Last Saved - Updates when any of the following fields are updated on the landing page:
Content (saved in the builder)
Hide From Search Engine (checkbox)
Vanity Url
Publishing does NOT update this field

Unpublishing does not clear these values.
7. Tell users about which edits apply when concurrently editing
Multiple users can edit pages at the same time but you won’t be able dialing code switzerland to see other users’ activity nor saved versions. The user that saves first, wins!

Make sure you’re communicating well with your team to determine who will be responsible for making changes. This also applies to users who may have the builder open in separate browser sessions or tabs. Recommend that users carefully manage their tabs when they’re editing and saving landing pages

8. Always use images hosted from SSL enabled locations
To avoid mixed content errors from the builder, make sure any externally hosted images are using SSL. Luckily the builder will notify you of any non-https external links, preventing users from using mixed content. If you’ve not moved Pardot or your website over to SSL, we highly recommend doing so.

9. Encourage your technically included users to leverage HML
Users that are well-versed in using HML will likely appreciate that manually entered HML and conditional HML is supported on published landing pages. Just keep in mind this is for technically savvy marketers as there’s currently no HML picker in the builder.

Salesforce slide: conditional HML