What can be seized from me in case of debts from my business?
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:27 am
The self-employed entrepreneur is liable for debts incurred in his business with his present and future assets, except in the case of self-employed persons with limited liability. This means that if the payments of these debts are not met, the assets can be seized. What can be seized and in what amount?
Seizable assets and in what order they would be executed
The regulations establish the assets that can be seized, those that cannot be seized, and the order in which the seizure of said assets would be carried out. Specifically, they would be seized in the following order:
Money or current accounts of any kind.
Credits, short-term usa shopping data rights, titles, securities or financial instruments admitted to trading on an official secondary securities market.
Jewelry and art objects.
Income in money, interest and fruits of all kinds.
Movable or livestock property (animals that may have a certain value due to their characteristics, livestock, etc.), shares, securities or securities not admitted to official listing and company shares.
Real estate.
Salaries, wages, pensions and income from independent professional and commercial activities.
Credits, rights and securities realizable in the medium and long term.
There would be the option of proceeding to the seizure of companies if circumstances made it preferable to seize their various assets.
Seizable assets and in what order they would be executed
The regulations establish the assets that can be seized, those that cannot be seized, and the order in which the seizure of said assets would be carried out. Specifically, they would be seized in the following order:
Money or current accounts of any kind.
Credits, short-term usa shopping data rights, titles, securities or financial instruments admitted to trading on an official secondary securities market.
Jewelry and art objects.
Income in money, interest and fruits of all kinds.
Movable or livestock property (animals that may have a certain value due to their characteristics, livestock, etc.), shares, securities or securities not admitted to official listing and company shares.
Real estate.
Salaries, wages, pensions and income from independent professional and commercial activities.
Credits, rights and securities realizable in the medium and long term.
There would be the option of proceeding to the seizure of companies if circumstances made it preferable to seize their various assets.