Last year, the way pensions for part-time workers are calculated was modified. Until August, a part-time worker had to prove a contribution equivalent to a full-time worker, so he or she needed to work twice as many days to be entitled to a pension .
Since the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 11/2013, of 2 August , amended by Law 1/2014, of 28 February, workers with part-time contracts have had their conditions equal to those who work full-time, by abandoning the method of calculation that was based on the hours worked , including ordinary and additional hours.
Now part-time workers do not have to work 15 years to be entitled to a pension. The new calculation procedure is based on the coefficients of partiality. First, the proportion existing between the total number of days worked part-time with respect to the number that would have corresponded to full-time work is calculated. This is how we obtain the partiality coefficient.
This coefficient will be canada whatsapp number data applied to the period of registration with a part-time contract , the result being the number of days that will be considered effectively contributed in each period. To this number will be added the days contributed full-time, the result being the total number of contribution days credited that can be counted for access to benefits.
Finally, the contribution period thus calculated will be increased by multiplying it by 15.
A person who has worked 2,500 days full-time, 2,000 part-time and 950 at 20% of the day will have been registered for a total of 5,450 days.
The number of days considered to have contributed will be.