This is what the DSA and DMA look like, the laws that aim to become the kryptonite of "Big Tech"
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:47 am
The European Union has long been keen to get its hands on Big Tech, and is seeking to rein it in with ambitious regulations that were approved yesterday by the European Parliament after several years of stormy debate. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) were approved yesterday by an overwhelming majority by the European Parliament , which is intended to reduce the power (totally out of control) of the big technology companies.
Under the new DSA and DMA, Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple and co will all be subject to new obligations. Not surprisingly, the mantra behind both laws is “What is illegal offline is also illegal online.”
The DSA will regulate social media and online list of find your cell phone numbers platforms, while the DMA will target gatekeepers. Both laws will apply directly to all EU countries without transposition. Due to the complexity of the issues addressed by both laws, the whole of Europe will act in the same way towards the tech giants.
In the case of the DSA, the measures that form part of this regulation will be mandatory from 1 January 2024. However, the deadline for complying with this regulation will be somewhat shorter for large online platforms and search engines, which will have to subscribe to the DSA from 4 months after the publication of the regulation. In this sense, platforms such as Instagram, TikTok or Twitter will have to comply with the DSA at the beginning of 2023 under penalty of being fined up to 10% of their annual turnover (20% if they repeat the offence). For its part, the DMA will come into force six months after its publication, although for its precepts to be truly applicable, the companies directly concerned must first be designated as "gatekeepers".
Under the new DSA and DMA, Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple and co will all be subject to new obligations. Not surprisingly, the mantra behind both laws is “What is illegal offline is also illegal online.”
The DSA will regulate social media and online list of find your cell phone numbers platforms, while the DMA will target gatekeepers. Both laws will apply directly to all EU countries without transposition. Due to the complexity of the issues addressed by both laws, the whole of Europe will act in the same way towards the tech giants.
In the case of the DSA, the measures that form part of this regulation will be mandatory from 1 January 2024. However, the deadline for complying with this regulation will be somewhat shorter for large online platforms and search engines, which will have to subscribe to the DSA from 4 months after the publication of the regulation. In this sense, platforms such as Instagram, TikTok or Twitter will have to comply with the DSA at the beginning of 2023 under penalty of being fined up to 10% of their annual turnover (20% if they repeat the offence). For its part, the DMA will come into force six months after its publication, although for its precepts to be truly applicable, the companies directly concerned must first be designated as "gatekeepers".