To be able to use this tool optimally, it is of absolute importance to be able to correctly analyze and understand the factors that influence it.
campaign can be evaluated through the values assumed by four characteristic indexes:
Delivery Rate
Open Rate
Click Rate
Conversion Rate
The Delivery Rate
The Delivery Rate measures the quality of the list of recipients who received the campaign.
The deviation from the (theoretical) value of 100% is mainly due to three types of errors that occur during the message delivery phase:
syntax errors (syntax bounce): in a bounce due to a syntax greece telegram data error, the recipient's email address has been entered incorrectly.
To eliminate them, simply correct them by checking for the most common typing errors, such as "myemail @ tinit".
The most advanced email marketing platforms perform this check when populating the contact list.
temporary errors (soft bounce): the email was not delivered because the recipient's mailbox is "full" (User Over Quota) or the recipient's mail server is temporarily unreachable.
They can be "bypassed" by simply re-scheduling the newsletter to these recipients.
hard bounce errors : the email was not delivered because the recipient's mail server rejected it permanently. The most common reasons are "the recipient's account does not exist" or "the recipient's domain does not exist".
These errors, because they are "hard bounces", cannot be eliminated.
The Delivery Rate value should never fall below 95% .
The Open Rate
The Open Rate measures the level of activity of the list.
It is the ratio between the number of users who opened the email and the number of recipients who correctly received it.
An advanced eMail Marketing platform is able to identify in detail the behavior of those who receive the email, distinguishing not only between unique openings and repeated openings (even quantifying them) but also collecting further additional information: type of device (mobile, web, etc.) used by the user, type of email client used, geolocation of the user who opened the email, etc.
The effectiveness of an eMail Marketing
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- Joined: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:04 am