You can even track the return on your branding spend in broad terms. Compare website and purchase data with your branding spend in the same period. Do you see growth compared to other periods without branding? Then you can draw a cautious conclusion of what you as a brand actually get back from your campaign. And you can estimate your return on branding spend.
When it comes to online branding, marketers often find it difficult to make the impact concrete. However, many platforms now have multiple options to measure that impact properly. This is precisely the added value of PBB. By measuring the different metrics, you can make it very concrete how your online branding campaign is performing.
Also read: The new data model of Google Analytics 4, what exactly does it mean?
Get started with Google Analytics 4
Are you still using Universal Analytics (UA) instead of laos telegram data Google Analytics 4 (GA4) when it comes to Google Analytics? Then you are missing out on opportunities! Although GA4 is still in (open) beta, it offers more insight into your display & video campaigns . Where UA actually only reports on click interactions, GA4 makes it possible to gain more insight into view interactions.
Are you too busy at the moment to learn all the ins and outs of GA4? Understandable. But in that case, make sure that you at least create a GA4 account and set up the basics . From that moment on, you will only start collecting data. GA4 will become the new standard within 1 to 2 years. You do not want to end up in a situation where you have hardly any insight into the results of the past period.
Advertising on YouTube.
Measure the effects of your expressions on YouTube
Video is one of the most important branding expressions. You can convey a brand message more easily via video than a static image. Within YouTube, you can measure the impact of your PBB campaign via a Brand Lift Study . Previously, this had to be requested via a Google account manager, but as colleague Edward Stapel already described, it is now possible to do this yourself via the Google Ads interface with Brand Lift Study 2.0 .