As you can easily capture information on your computer, you can do the same on your mobile devices.
Be it the full page of your screen mexico reverse phone lookup or a selected part of it; you can capture information as you wish.
Here’s what differs a full-page screenshot from a selected area screenshot.
Full Page Screenshot or Visible Screen Vs. Selected Area Screenshot
The full-page screenshot captures the entire screen of your computer without leaving any part out, while the selected area screenshot gives you the allowance to grab a specific part of your screen. You can adopt the drag-and-snap process to achieve this.

Another approach to this might be to grab the full screen and crop to derive your desired part; using the selected area screenshot provides you with seamless action and better quality.
4 Best Full Page Screenshots Chrome Extensions
1. GoFullPage – Full Page Screen Capture
With over 4 million users, GoFullPage – Full Page Screen Capture remains one of the best screen grabbing Chrome extensions in the market. It allows you to capture the current screen of your computer without asking for some high-level permissions.
You can add it to your Chrome extension using Google search and “Add to Chrome” as shown in the image above.
This Chrome extension works like magic. Once you’ve added it to your Chrome extension, it camera-icon shows at the top right part of your Chrome Browser.